Why are so many people against breastfeeding? - breastfeeding forum
I'm not a mother, but I noticed that women who breast-feed in public, sometimes bad and poor ratings. I also have some very hateful comments about breastfeeding in this forum. I'm trying to understand why there is so much negativity in nursing mothers.
I grew up with my mother and my aunts who breastfed all of me, so I guess it never bothered me. But I want to know what is so offensive that people verbally attack a woman nursing her child forced into a park are (I saw it a few weeks ago that stimulated my curiosity about the topic) (I want honest answers and not judge me who) against breastfeeding, because I understand that. Thank you. :)
Breastfeeding Forum Why Are So Many People Against Breastfeeding?
2:38 AM
If you know you can find an old friend and tell him! He was verbally attacking me with my daughter in the public feed! (Incidentally, while relevant, was when my baby was only 3 months, so it was not a nurse, while in public. She said she saw my breast, as were people who were nearby, and "horrified" by more than her. Oh, well.
We all have breasts, some men! LOL! I venture to say that it was collected through breastfeeding, have problems with the body, breasts and look like you just sexually. It is a cultural problem more important! Breasts are only acceptable, beer, cars, selling Doritos, etc. ... Sigh.
I visited several times in public without a veil, and I took me and gave me the round breasts in front of the people, if I'm not sure what all the fuss?
Because they do not know and not know any better! Breastfeeding is the best thing we can do for your child, I am very happy and proud to do so, I would not do it again at work! My grandmother is contrary BF Thomas, Back in the Day (Feeder boob) were considered low and the poor, because they could not afford formula.
Mother, the man boob to 5 weeks old!
I am not against it, and I intend to buy my baby to nurse, I one of those things that you put Shaw and to cover up her baby and the breast for nursing. I do not think its wrong to breastfeed, but I think some people here are just a pop-boob in public places and some people do not know how to react. But everyone is entitled to his own opinion, I suppose.
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