White Horse Hotel Can You Answer My Riddles?

Can you answer my riddles? - white horse hotel

32 white horses galloping over the hill rose

What am I?

Two fathers and two son went fishing and everyone caught a fish. There were only three fish, how is this possible?

A man went to his hotel on Tuesday and rode on Tuesday. He has to stay a week or more and who is not discharged on the same day. How can you --


JuneBug8... said...

1) the teeth?

MGS 2), father, son ..... 3 generations

3) the horse on Tuesday disclosed.

blah_bla... said...


one parent is a grandfather, his son, a father and a son, and his son is a son

his horse was called Tuesday

TenorSax... said...

first puzzle, idk sure, but perhaps one of the children is also a relative, or what? idk.
Puzzle seconds, the horse's name Tuesday.

Lady_GaG... said...

1) Pink Panther (I suppose)
2) A father was also a son .. The grandfather, father and son.
3) Then came the day Tuesday, but left his horse on Tuesday. His name is Tuesday Horse

Alternative Chick said...

The riddle of the fish:
He is a father, son and grandfather.

Riddle Tuesday:
Horse named Tuesday.

sej said...

1) persons who said that the teeth defs right side (I know that for a fact)

MGS 2), father, son

3) the name of the horse is Tuesday

LindseyR... said...

1. Idk? I think the teeth
2. Grandfather, father and son and grandson and son
3. The horse was named Tuesday

Naruto4e... said...

First, I have no idea!

A second is "Grandpa, father and son

Third: "Your horse called Tuesday for ...

♥Plug♥In... said...

The first I do not know.

The second - the horse will be announced on Tuesday.

♥Plug♥In... said...

The first I do not know.

The second - the horse will be announced on Tuesday.

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